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Which Golf Clubs Are Best For You?
By: Lee MacRae
With a larger variety of golf clubs coming onto the scene every week, it can become more and more difficult to determine just exactly what you should be looking for when buying new clubs.
Read along as we discuss the types available and what they each can do for your game of golf.
As a rule of thimb, it should be noted that "off the shelf" golf clubs will work for most everyone standing between five and six foot in heightl. That can be said to apply to men as well as to women. Taller or shorter? Then I suggest you take a look at custom made clubs. It will help your game considerably.
Cast or Forged Clubs?
For just about all golfers, the standard cast iron golf clubs are the right choice.
The major reason? Because of the bigger "sweet spot" we tend to find on clubs made with cast iron. That refers to the area right smack dab in the middel of the club face where you are supposed to hit the ball. The larger the "sweet spot" on a club face, the more area you have to strike the ball well. It makes it a little easier to hit the "bulls eye" every time on your shots. This makes cast iron clubs ideal for anyone who wants a more consistant shot., especially beginners. Their swing is not as consistant as a seasoned golfer or a pro and so they have an easier time driving the ball well with a larger sweet spot at their disposal. This is the major reason why you see larger or even "oversized" clubs made, especially the oversized drivers today. These clubs allow for a larger sweet spot and make the game a lot easier for the average player
With forged iron clubs you have the exact opposite. A smaller sweet spot that makes your drives that much harder to hit well.
So why are forged clubs even sold?
This is due to the fact that forged iron offers a better "feel" on your shot because it is a softer metal than cast iron. The more experienced player has a much more defined and repeatable swing, allowing them to hit the smaller sweet spot with much more consistancy. They don't need that larger "margin of error" the beginner needs. And now, the better "feel" allows him or her the added advantage of being able to manoevre and/or "shape" each shot to the circumstances as needed.
The shaft of the club is your next thing to look at. Specifically the material it will be made from. Basically, you have steel or composite shafts
The major criteria here is club speed. An average golfer will have a club head speed of 80-94 mph. Lower speeds usually means you should look at a composite shaft. Slower swing speeds mean less distance on your shots. Not a good thing. Composite shafts will allow you to get that much needed distance on your shots. And even within the composite shaft class, you will find variations in flex and materials that will affect your game.
By contrast, those with good distances on their shots, will fare much better by using a steel shaft that will give them some touch and control on their shots.
Determining your own swing speed is not difficult. If you don't have a local pro shop with the right equipment, you can find small microwave Doppler radar devices that are run by AAA batterieson the market. You simply set it near your tee and swing away.
With merely these few starting points, it is usually best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club aids or hinders your game. You are seeking to see your individual strong points or weaknesses. Try the various types and kinds of golf clubs available to you and, in time, you will be able to determine which clubs offer the best advantages for your game.
If you implement these tips and work on them, you will be certain to develop a better drive within a short period of time. Just keep on practicing and working on your improvement. It's only a matter of time before your scores begin to drop.
Learn more about choosing the right golf clubs today!
More Thoughts On Golf
The simple way to learn the proper feel of your swing center is to place a golf ball on the ground and, with sun to your back, take your stance in a position whereby the shadow of your head covers the ball. As you swing, keep your eyes on the shadow. During the swing the shadow will move slightly, however if it moves off the ball you have lost the correct swing center. If the shadow remains on the ball you have kept the swing in the correct position. Repeat this excellent drill daily so as to reinforce good habits that will yield the reults you seek.
Lean Left
It's critical to start and keep your weight toward your front foot during the entire motion of a bunker shot. This encourages the club to sustain its speed through impact, which in turn creates the wave of sand necessary to carry the ball in the air.
...Golf Tips magazine
I guess there is nothing that will get your mind off everything like golf. I have never been depressed enough to take up the game, but they say you get so sore at yourself you forget to hate your enemies -- Will Rogers
...US Golf Association
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